Francine Leffler Ringold

NEW IN 2020



The Way We See Now:

     A Collaboration of Photography and Poetry

Sam Joyner & Francine Ringold

For more information about The Way We See Now: A Collaboration of Photography & Poetry, Click Here and see the Biography

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"It’s been my pleasure to exhibit Sam Joyner’s perceptive and arresting photographs for the last twenty years.
He makes the viewer alert to details we tend to overlook.
He lights our way."
Mary Ann Doran, M. A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Oklahoma

“This exquisite book of Francine Ringold’s poetry inspired by Sam Joyner’s photographs is a delicious feast of words
and imagery guaranteed to make you hunger for more.
Together they offer new perspectives that inspire, evoke thought, and encourage conversation.”
Michael Wallis, author of 17 books including Route 66: The Mother Road




From Birth to Birth: My Memoir and a Guide for Yours, Available June 2015

Read the Preface



Dog Days, A Way of Speaking, 2013


Still Dancing, New & Selected Poems, 2004


The Trouble with Voices, 1996


Every Other One, 2001


Voices, 1981


A Magic Journey: Writing and Painting at Gatesway


Making Your Own Mark: A Guide to Writing and Drawing for Senior Citizens


Dog Days: A Way of Speaking and other books by Francine Ringold are available on-line from, and your local independent bookstore.